Get to know DRAMS and Dundee Clinical Academic Track (DCAT), including activities we run throughout the year.
We also host a wide variety of academics and students from various departments of both the university and hospital. They will showcase their work and advertise for research opportunities.
Opportunities in 1 Place
The Dundee Research and Academic Medicine Society (DRAMS) will be hosted our 11th Annual Research Showcase on the 11th November 2023 in Gannochy Trust Lecture Theatre, Ninewells.
The event rans from 9:30-1:30 and was packed with talks about all things research!
Come and find out more about how you can get involved at our event next year!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Clinicians and researchers from a wide range of specialties will be there.
Your peers may also be present to share their experiences and show their work. This is your chance to get involved in research and speak to students about their experience! Don't miss out on the opportunity to discover a vast range of research opportunities available for you!
We hope you manage to hone and grow your love for research through participation in this event!
Research Showcase 2024
Date, time and venue TBC
Showcase your work and share your experience with others.
Learn different types of research through various specialties.
The perfect opportunity to mingle with like-minded students and clinicians.
Research Showcase 2024
Coming in November 2024!
Past Research Showcases
On the 11th November, we hosted our 11th Annual Research Showcase. The event was a success with informative talks from prior DRAMS presidents, Doctors and Professors, finished off with poster presentations from students.
The event was well liked, with excellent feedback (the cakes too!). Below are some snapshots from the day, we look forward to hosting our 2024 event soon!

Click here to be taken to our youtube channel to watch the recordings of the event. It was a very successful day with talks from numerous professors, students and academics! Enjoy
30th Sep 2019