Journal Club sessions ran throughout the academic year according to relevant system blocks of the medical school curriculum.
This was an opportunity to learn how to dissect a journal article, present your findings, and receive valuable feedback from an expert in the field.
There are various recordings and information from previous journal clubs available below.
There are no proposed events for 2023/24.
What is a Journal Club?
DRAMS Journal Clubs are lunchtime discussions led by a clinician where we critically review relevant research articles and converse about the objectives of the paper. These sessions are aimed to give students a platform to learn how to critically appraise articles and give an oral presentation on it. Even if you’re not presenting, there is still room for learning through friendly group-discussions on the issues raised by the paper. Understanding how to critically appraise articles is an important skill that will be required in our medical career.
At DRAMS, we aim to build your interest in medical research and equip you with tools that will help you take part in research. Attending Journal Club sessions is also a great way to enhance your knowledge about the latest research in different medical specialties!
How to join? Before each Journal Club, we will send out emails regarding the topic of the Journal Club and an online form for you to register your interest if you want to present.
We will also provide you with resources that will give you more information on how to critically appraise different types of studies! If you are not presenting, you are still very welcome to join and take part in discussions. These journal clubs are clinician-led who will be able to give you a greater insight on the latest research in their medical specialty or research in general!
Journal Club sessions are held parallel with relevant system blocks of the medical school curriculum.
Our Journal Clubs are for everyone! Medical students of all years are welcome to join any session.
Journal Club sessions are supervised by clinicians or senior lecturers from various fields of expertise.
Research Resources
First timer in research? Don't worry, we have just the right resources for you to get started.
Past Journal Clubs
Supervised by Prof Charlotte Proby.
Speakers: Jacqueline Yu, Ross Wilson
Far-UVC light (222nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses
View article
Narrowband UVB treatment is highly effective and causes a strong reduction in the use of steroid and other creams in psoriasis patients in clinical practice
View article
Supervised by Dr Tom Fardon.
Speakers: Rathna Veerni, Soumya Tangirala
Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
View article
Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19
View article
Further Recommendations by Dr Tom Fardon:
Here’s an interesting BMJ editorial that discusses whether convalescent plasma should have been authorised for use before proper randomised controlled trials had been done, as we were discussing about Remdesevir.
Example of how the title of a paper can be very misleading, the data full of confounders, no placebo arm, observational data being over-interpreted, and being misleadingly advertised.
A joint collaboration with UoD Psychiatry Society.
Chaired by Dr Laura Sutherland, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, NHS Tayside.
Chaired by Prof. John Dillon, Professor of Hepatology and Gastroenterology.
Past Journal Club Presentations
Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
by Soumya Tangirala
View presentation
Compassionate Use of Remdesivir for Patients with Severe Covid-19
by Rathna Veerni
Blood eosinophil count and prospective annual asthma disease burden: a UK cohort study.
by Keeran Vickneson
View Presentation
Long-term follow-up after first-line bronchoscopic therapy in patients with bronchial carcinoids.
View Presentation
Once-daily single-inhaler versus dual therapy in patients with COPD.
by Caitlin Foulds
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Fourier study: Evolocumab and clinical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease.
View Presentation
Risk factors for the displacement of fractures of both bones of the forearm in children.
by Katherine Greenough
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Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE): Is it worth the risk and cost not to offer prophylactic fixation of the contralateral hip?
by Thineskrishna Anbarasan
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Effect of a 24-month physical activity intervention vs health education on cognitive outcomes in sedentary older adults.
by Carol Kwon
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Effects of a vitamin D and leucine-enriched why protein nutritional supplement on measures of sarcopenia in older adults.
by Ke Ying Tan
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Pregnancy complications in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
by Boluwatife Ayantunde
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Metformin and lifestyle modifications in polycystic ovary syndrome.
by Caitlin Elliot
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Genetic advances in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and fronto-temporal dementia.
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Far-UVC light (222nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses
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Narrowband UVB treatment is highly effective and causes a strong reduction in the use of steroid and other creams in psoriasis patients in clinical practice
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